Memaparkan catatan dengan label Beauty. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label Beauty. Papar semua catatan

Sabtu, 12 Disember 2015

cream anti dark circle

  • Aloe vera gel
  • A capsule of vitamin E
  • Almond oil
Aloe vera is used for almost all skin problems, from sunburn to equalizing complexion. In a bowl put two teaspoons (10 ml) of aloe vera gel and then “squeeze” three capsules of vitamin E (400 IU per capsule).
Almond oil is rich in nutrients necessary for healthy skin. To the mixture add a teaspoon (5 mL) of the oil and mix well.
Once all the ingredients are well mixed notice that the color of the cream has changed – it is no longer transparent. Apply the cream every night before bed. It will calm the skin around the eyes, and will have a cooling effect, and already after a few treatments will reduce dark circles under the eyes.
The cream can be stored at room temperature, but away from sunlight. The shelf life of the cream is a month.


Malam ini mami bawa cerita baru... konon nya produk putihkan muka itu ada sebatian serbuk mutiara..mutiara kah atau kulit siput mutiara?...murah sangat kah mutiara?..hahaha. Maka mamak haji nak bagi petua tradisional untuk menjaga wajah untuk cucu-cucu dan anak-anak mamak haji yang terlalu risau dengan kulit muka...kecantikan dulu kecantikan asli bukan mcm sekarang..mcm permukaan simen kasar dibubuh plaster simen atau bubuh mosaic utk nampak cantik..
Ambil satu gengam biji halba (fenugreek seed) dan rendam semalaman dalam "air mawar" ..kenal air mawar kan?. Biasa nya masukkan dalam masakan nasi beriani atau minyak. Ada jual di kedai mamak..harganya murah saja. Esok pagi blender halus dan jadikan pes pekat. sebelum itu basuh muka dengan air suam dan keringkan dengan tuala muka yg bersih. Sapukan pes pekat keseluruh muka dan leher. Biarkan 20-30 minit. Selepas itu basuh dengan air ais dengan masukkan tuala muka ke dalam bekas air ais dan lap bersih. Amalkan seminggu tiga kali...kalau muka tak cantik lagi selepas 1 bulan pm mamak haji yea..mamak haji berikan Ilmu penyeri wajah pakai batin pulak..hehehe...

Jumaat, 10 Julai 2015

hair tonic

Make Tea from Curry Leaves for your hair. Boil some curry leaves in water, squeeze a lime and add some sugar to it. Drink this tea daily for 1 week this will increase hair growth, make your hair smooth, shiny and prevent white hairs. Intake of curry leaves is good for the digestive system too and it resolves many hair problems.
2. Make a Hair Mask for your hair to prevent hair loss. Take some curry leaves and make a paste of them. Mix this paste with yogurt and massage it on your hair. Keep this mixture on your scalp for about 25 minutes and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this mask every week consistently to see instant results in terms of hair growth. Not only that this will help your hair to look shiny, smooth and bouncy.

3. Make a Hair tonic to prevent hair loss: Take few curry leaves and some coconut oil in a bowl. When it mixed with curry leaves, it increases hair growth. Boil these two together until you see black deposit forming. After the deposit is formed, apply it all over your scalp after it becomes cool . Keep this mixture for one hour and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this tonic twice a week and ll see the result in just fifteen days. This oil will not only stimulates hair growth but also prevents the white of hair. This is the best way for healthy hair and for hair growth.


Try this homemade face toner and stand strong against the aging process.
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 glass beer
  • 1/2 glass rose water
  1. Juice the lemon.
  2. Add beer and rose water. Stir well.
  3. Apply the mask on a clean face. Use a cotton pad for an easier application.
  4. Leave it on for a while and let the ingredients do their magic. For optimal results apply the toner before you go to bed and leave it on overnight.

Your will wake up with a softer and smoother skin.